Saturday, January 8, 2022

Hot Cocoa Puffs

Name: Hot Cocoa Puffs
Variation: Cocoa Puffs
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: Four years ago, I found this cereal and decided it was the best thing ever. Adding marshmallows to Cocoa Puffs? It's so obvious! And calling it Hot Cocoa Puffs? Brilliant! (Although I don't recommend eating it hot). I was so enamored with it, that it became my Holy Grail. I've searched for it every winter since, but always in vain - until this year. It's back, and now sponsored by Swiss Miss - a name that screams hot cocoa!

January 2018

All that said, when you build something up in your mind, it's hard for the real thing to measure up. Not that I don't still love Hot Cocoa Puffs, but I think buying twelve bags of it was maybe a little excessive. Anyway, the cocoa pieces have a satisfying crunch to them, and you can't go wrong with chocolate and marshmallows, although the milk could be a little more chocolatey in the end. I'd definitely eat this cereal every winter; I just wish it was released more consistently.

Rating: 🥣🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Slightly chocolatey.

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