Saturday, October 7, 2023

Kit Kat

Name: Kit Kat Cereal
Variation: n/a
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: I buy a lot of cereal, and I have a pretty strict system for scheduling which box gets opened when, based primarily on shelf dates (rather than the order I pick them up), with occasional exceptions made for time-sensitive cereals (e.g., holidays, movie promotions) - which is why some cereals sometimes jump the line while others seem to languish for months on top of my fridge. All of this is to say that I bought this cereal a long time ago and the fact that it's taken me this long to try it does not reflect on my level of anticipation for it. I think a cereal based on Kit Kats sounds amazing (I'm crossing my fingers that Twix is next).

There's something familiar about this cereal, but I can't quite put my finger on it (and it's not just the Kit Kat flavor). There's a general resemblance to Chocolate Toast Crunch, but these wafers are softer (and of course there's no cinnamon). The box emphasizes that this cereal is crispy and chocolatey, and it is that. I don't think a cereal can perfectly imitate the texture and mouthfeel of eating a Kit Kat, but the flavor is pretty close, and it really is a good cereal all on its own. My only complaint is that it doesn't turn the milk chocolatey - like, at all. I daresay that's the only thing keeping me from awarding this cereal a three bowl rating. Still, I'd call it a success.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Speckled, but pretty plain.

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