Sunday, October 15, 2023

Monster Mash Remix

Name: Monster Mash Remix
Variation: Monster Cereals
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: As if premiering a brand new Monsters Cereal character for the first time in 36 years wasn't enough, General Mills also remixed Monster Mash this year. And I almost didn't buy it, given how little I liked the cereal the first time around. But they had to go and give it a new subtitle (playing off of, I'm sure, Carmella Creeper's characterization as a DJ). Besides, there's a significant new flavor going into the mix this time around (caramel apple), so it seemed like it would be different enough to warrant giving it another try.

Opening the box, all I see is Carmella Creeper and Boo Berry pieces. No Count Chocula (again). Not even Franken Berry. Why not mix all the monsters together? They're on the cover of the box - even Frute Brute and Fruity Yummy Mummy! And who chose this particular combination? Seems to me like blueberry/strawberry or strawberry/chocolate would be a better choice, or even chocolate/caramel apple. But caramel apple and blueberry? (Here's an idea for you - blind box cereals! You don't know what you're gonna get until you open the box! Note to General Mills: please don't make blind box cereals).

Tasting it, I'm not sure there's even any caramel apple flavor at all. The box just says "berry-flavored". The green and purple pieces give off a good Halloween vibe, but are the colors just for show? Why is it even called Monster Mash, then? I can't tell if the marshmallows have different flavors, but they do taste fruity. It's actually not bad. I might even like it better than Carmella Creeper. It's a definite improvement over the last version of Monster Mash, but I honestly couldn't tell you why. A lot about this cereal remains a mystery to me.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Pleasantly fruity and/or marshmallow-y.

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