Saturday, December 11, 2021

Caramel Apple Toast Crunch

Name: Dulce de Leche Toast Crunch + Apple Pie Toast Crunch
Variation: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: Technically, this is two different cereals - Dulce de Leche (a.k.a. caramel) Toast Crunch, and Apple Pie Toast Crunch. Individually, I like the caramel Toast Crunch better. It's pretty neat how the other one tastes like apples, but I think the flavor is maybe a tad strong. The box itself recommends mixing them together for a "caramel apple flavor explosion", and I gotta say, it's a great idea. It's rare to have an autumn-themed cereal that's flavor-based, and not just branded for Halloween.

Sometimes sold separately.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Caramel apple goodness!

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