Sunday, February 25, 2024

[Flashback] Jolly Rancher

Notice: Flashback reviews have been written from memory, without having the cereal in front of me. I started taking pictures of notable cereal varieties several years before I decided to start a blog reviewing them. As such, details beyond whether I simply liked the cereal or not may be hazy, especially regarding the quality of the leftover milk. Whenever possible, I have made an effort to procure another box of the cereal for a proper review (even the ones I didn't like), but due to the ephemeral nature of many of these novelty cereals, this is not always possible.

Name: Jolly Rancher
Variation: n/a
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: I don't know if it was because ensuing events would take such prominence in my mind, but this was one of several novelty cereals I picked up in the early months of 2020, just before the COVID lockdowns hit, that I have but very little memory of trying. I like Jolly Rancher candies - they have a good, fruity flavor (their jelly beans are my favorite to pick up around Easter, too). But, like Sour Patch Kids (another candy I like), I don't recall this cereal being especially good.

Rating: 🥣

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