Sunday, March 3, 2024

[Experiment] CinnaRaisin Toast Crunch

Description: I'm embarrassed to admit that it was only recently that I realized Cinnamon Toast Crunch is basically designed to imitate a real toast treat - cinnamon toast. I'm more familiar with cinnamon raisin bread, so the second I figured that out, I thought to myself, I wonder how this cereal would taste with raisins in it? After all, it's not like raisins in a cereal are unheard of - take Raisin Bran, for example. That's a cereal I used to like to eat as a kid, despite the plainness of the bran flakes, all on account of the sweet bites of raisin.

I don't eat it much anymore, though, because a survey of nutritional content I conducted revealed that it's one of the cereals on the market with the highest sugar content, due to the raisins. Which makes me think that adding raisins to an already sweetened cereal (and not just plain bran flakes) isn't the brightest idea. Nor did it help that when I stirred the cereal, the raisins all sank to the bottom, and I had to put more on top just to get a good picture!

In any case, the cereal itself tastes great, and it almost perfectly emulates the flavor of biting into a piece of cinnamon raisin toast, with that occasional burst of sweetness. I would just recommend a light touch - think of the raisins as more of a garnish, rather than a mix-in. It's not that Cinnamon Toast Crunch isn't perfectly good enough all on its own, but I'd have to call this experiment a success.

Rating: 🥣🥣

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