Saturday, January 20, 2024

Swiss Rolls

Name: Swiss Rolls
Variation: Little Debbie
Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Review: Considering Little Debbie's lackluster showing so far - after their forgettable Cosmic Brownies, and my ambivalence toward even Nutty Buddy Cereal - I wasn't too enthused to try their new flavor for this year. Not being very familiar with Swiss Rolls, I was intrigued when I learned that they're basically chocolate with a marshmallow filling. Perfect for a cereal, right? And, for once, I'm happy with the result!

The cereal consists of big, crunchy swirls that look like chocolate cinnamon rolls. And they do indeed have a chocolatey, marshmallowy flavor. And the leftover milk at the end? It's not the most indulgent on the market, but it does leave swirls of chocolate creme. I think this might be my favorite Little Debbie cereal yet!

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Swirled with chocolate creme.

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