Saturday, January 13, 2024

Frosted Cheerios

Name: Frosted Cheerios
Variation: Cheerios
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: I can't avoid drawing a parallel to Frosted Krispies, another example of one of the dullest cereals on the market doing the absolute minimum to sweeten up their cereal and make it more palatable (remember, even plain Frosted Flakes are still frosted - unfrosted Frosted Flakes are just Corn Flakes...).

The difference is Krispies are dull across the board (Cocoa Krispies is okay, but still rendered obsolete by Cocoa Pebbles, which is very similar but superior in every way), while Cheerios actually has a lot of good flavors, if you just avoid the plain-as-white-bread original. So where does Frosted Cheerios stand?

They're sweet. The box is pretty. I have no doubt it's a huge improvement over regular, unfrosted Cheerios (to be honest, I'm not brave enough to try). And you know what? From the outset, I was fully prepared to give this cereal a one bowl rating. But even though there are many good flavors of Cheerios to choose from, and the only real flavor this one has is "sweet", the truth is, I've got a sweet tooth, and I find myself enjoying eating these. So chalk one more point up to Cheerios - the cereal I never thought I'd learn to respect this much.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Has a sweet, frosted flavor.

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