Saturday, July 13, 2024

Summer Fruity Pebbles

Name: Summer Fruity Pebbles
Variation: Fruity Pebbles
Manufacturer: Post

Review: Since when did Post start producing so many seasonal varieties of Fruity Pebbles? Halloween was understandable, and when I saw WinterFest I thought it was fun. But by the time we got to Spring Fruity Pebbles I was getting a little bored with it. And now we've got Summer Fruity Pebbles, too? They're all the same cereal, so I'm not sure what's the point. Is Post's longstanding rivalry with Kellogg's (as depicted in Unfrosted, Jerry Seinfeld's hilarious new movie about the birth of Pop-Tarts) so entrenched that they have to copy everything Rice Krispies does? I don't even really like Fruity Pebbles to begin with! So I hope this is the last one...

I do like the marketing, though, only because summer is my favorite season, and the beach/swimming pool aesthetic is reminiscent of fun times. The pebbles are red and blue - which, when mixed with white milk, encourages contemplation over the curious fact that American Independence has become synonymous with the summer. Have you ever thought about that? Of course Independence Day is on July 4th, but we also have Memorial Day and Labor Day at the start and end of the season, and you always see flags flying on those holiday weekends.

Is it because summer represents freedom (school's out, and lots of people take vacations while the weather's nice), and the United States are supposed to be a bastion of freedom in the world? Well, considering the troubled state of our democracy, that seems a little egocentric. Perhaps it's time for a re-evaluation. Or, wait - is the red and blue supposed to reflect the colors of the flag of New Zealand? There I am, being a stereotypically egocentric American...

Wasn't this supposed to be a cereal review?

Rating: 🥣
Leftover Milk: Combines with the pebbles to create a fruity sludge - just like the melting pot of American culture.

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