Saturday, September 14, 2024

Chocolatey Chocolate Lucky Charms

Name: Chocolatey Chocolate Lucky Charms
Variation: Lucky Charms
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: I was pretty surprised when I saw this new version of Chocolate Lucky Charms on the shelf. Not only is it chocolate, but it's chocolatey chocolate! I thought, "how different could it be?" But, you know I had to try it. It has a combination of regular Lucky Charms marshmallows, and new chocolate-flavored marshmallows. Honestly, I suspect it's just a slightly rebranded version of Lucky Charms with Haunted Marshmallows that we saw last fall, which is pretty much the same thing. It's basically what you would get if you mixed Chocolate Lucky Charms with Count Chocula. I should love it - and I do like it - but at this point I feel like we're just retreading old ground. And I actually miss the bright colors of Lucky Charms' original marshmallows.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Chocolatey, but not as chocolatey as Cocoa Puffs.

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