Saturday, February 18, 2023

Froot Loops Color Mix-Ups

Name: Froot Loops Color Mix-Ups
Variation: Froot Loops
Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Review: Here's a cosmetic variation on your standard Froot Loops - I would compare this to finding a box of Trix with the swirled puffs. It's a fun concept, but I have some issues with its execution. The box boasts the "classic Froot Loops taste", but I feel that the usual fruitiness is somewhat subdued. The same can be said for the colors - ironically, this cereal looks less colorful than usual. Six colors have been reduced to four (albeit with some color bleed), and doubled up so that there are really only two kinds of loops (green/purple and red/yellow; they couldn't throw in blue/orange to complete the color wheel?). The box is very pretty, though, with a nice fading color gradient. I feel like there is potential here for a rainbow-oriented theme, perhaps even a tie-in with Pride. But that's not what this is. This is just swirled Froot Loops.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Almost sweeter than the cereal itself.

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