Sunday, May 28, 2023

Disney 100 Years of Wonder & Mickey Mouse Club (Bonus: Pixar)

For their 100th anniversary celebration, Disney has introduced two new cereals this year. What's interesting to me is that they're being handled by Post, when it's usually Kellogg's and General Mills fighting for the honor.

Name: Mickey Mouse Club
Variation: n/a
Manufacturer: Post

Review: This "confetti cake cereal" contains cute little puffs reminiscent of cake pops, that have a hint of colored sprinkles. As far as birthday cake cereals go, it's not terrible - it's just kinda plain. It's not as sweet as Birthday Crunch, and I think it would benefit from the addition of marshmallows, like LOL Surprise! did. For a genre I'm already not a big fan of, it doesn't really have anything to hold my interest.

Rating: 🥣
Leftover Milk: Like firing a confetti popper over a bowl of milk.

Name: 100 Years of Wonder
Variation: n/a
Manufacturer: Post

Review: This burdensomely-named cereal (why not give it a subtitle like the other one?) features big red, blue (and purple mix) Mickey Mouse-shaped pieces, that seem like they would have been more appropriate in the other cereal. It purports to be a fruity cereal - and there is a strong fruity aroma - but it smells fruitier than it tastes. There is a minor resemblance to Red, White & Blue Crunch, but with less flavor. It's not unpleasant to eat; it's just disappointingly plain.

Rating: 🥣
Leftover Milk: Pink, but plain - like the cereal, it looks and smells better than it tastes.

So this was a pretty lackluster celebration for Disney, in my opinion. The boxes are pretty, but the cereals could be better. They're all pomp and no circumstance. I would have been happier for them to have just re-released the Disney Princess line of cereals. Not that they were any better, but I would have loved to have had the opportunity to correct my previous oversight and document the full lineup.

Addendum: As of July 2023, I've noticed a new box on the shelves emblazoned with Disney's 100 Years of Wonder banner. It's a tribute to Pixar, but I'm not being fooled into buying it, because it seems to be the same "confetti cake cereal" as Mickey Mouse Club.

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