Saturday, September 30, 2023

Frosted Mini Wheats Golden Honey

Name: Frosted Mini Wheats Golden Honey
Variation: Frosted Mini Wheats
Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Review: On the plus side, I actually really like the honey flavor. But on the minus, these are still Frosted Mini Wheats, and the fact that I won't even eat a full bowl of them (after I took the picture, I poured three fourths of this bowl back into the box) means I can't in good conscience give this cereal anything higher than a one bowl rating. But I know one or two people who like Frosted Mini Wheats, so I imagine I'll keep reviewing their different flavors - which have been pretty consistently good so far (in my opinion); I just don't like the taste and texture of shredded wheat - and then passing the boxes along.

Rating: 🥣
Leftover Milk: I can't get past that dull, shredded wheat flavor.

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