Saturday, December 10, 2022

Pandora Flakes

Name: Pandora Flakes
Variation: Frosted Flakes
Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Review: For this tie-in with the new Avatar movie (but don't ask me about it, I still haven't seen the first one), Frosted Flakes is adding colorful "blue moons" to its cereal, which have a pleasant aroma and a noticeably blueberry flavor (not just the generic "berry" flavor you frequently get). Can you imagine how good Crunch Berries would be with these added in? Adding puffs to flakes (as opposed to, say, marshmallows) is an uncommon combination (though reminiscent of Crispy Cinnamon Basketballs), but it works here. I wasn't expecting to like this cereal. But I think I do.

Same box, front and back covers - notice the backdrop.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: It's true blueberry milk!

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