Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Elf on the Shelf (North Pole Snow Creme)

Name: North Pole Snow Creme
Variation: The Elf on the Shelf
Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Review: Kellogg's has unveiled a new flavor of The Elf on the Shelf cereal this year! It's called North Pole Snow Creme, and it "magically cools your mouth while you eat". I like the snowball motif, and the color profile of the box carves a complimentary niche between the other two flavors (since Sugar Cookie switched from blue to a green box this year).

Elves on the [cereal] shelves.

Disappointingly, the cereal pieces themselves aren't as pretty as they are on the box, and once again the marshmallows leave something to be desired. They're already tiny to begin with, and the way they settle at the bottom of the bag, they may as well not be there (you might want to store this box upside-down). I noted with interest that the star-shaped cereal pieces resemble those used in Hocus Pocus 2 cereal (and another cereal that I'll be posting a review of in the future), however as with the other Elf on the Shelf cereals, the texture and mouthfeel of these is of a premium quality.

So, how does it taste? Vanilla-y, I think. The cooling effect is peculiar - it produces a kind of mild tingling sensation on your tongue (quite different from the popping effect of Rice Krispies). It's a curious novelty; I'm not sure it's necessary when you're pouring cold milk over the cereal anyway. And after a few bites, it turns into a somewhat off-putting aftertaste (menthol?). I think I'd just as soon stick to the other two flavors of Elf on the Shelf cereals in the future - Hot Cocoa & Sugar Cookie. I liked them better.

Rating: 🥣
Leftover Milk: Cool and creamy.

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