Sunday, August 13, 2023

[Flashback] Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes

Notice: Flashback reviews have been written from memory, without having the cereal in front of me. I started taking pictures of notable cereal varieties several years before I decided to start a blog reviewing them. As such, details beyond whether I simply liked the cereal or not may be hazy, especially regarding the quality of the leftover milk. Whenever possible, I have made an effort to procure another box of the cereal for a proper review (even the ones I didn't like), but due to the ephemeral nature of many of these novelty cereals, this is not always possible.

Name: Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes
Variation: Lucky Charms
Manufacturer: General Mills

Review: This year I got to try Cinnamon Toast Crunch Lucky Charms MIX!, which was fun. Five years ago (in the early months of 2018), I had Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes. Thinking back on it, I'm surprised they mixed Lucky Charms with Frosted Flakes, since the former is a General Mills cereal, and the latter belongs to Kellogg's. But looking at it now, I think they're using "frosted flakes" as a generic term.

In a similar turn, did you know that Kellogg's and Post both market a "Raisin Bran"?

Anyway, I don't remember what I thought of it then, but it looks good to me now, possibly because I've had some time to warm up to the concept of Frosted Flakes. And, at least this has marshmallows I know I like!

Rating: 🥣🥣

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