Sunday, March 5, 2023

Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Name: Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Variation: Frosted Flakes
Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Review: I have to wonder if Disney turned to Kellogg's to collaborate on a promotional cereal for their new Star Wars show (last year), after General Mills botched their Mandalorian tie-in. Although I don't know where their marketing was at, because I almost completely missed this cereal. I didn't even know it existed, until I was browsing Big Lots at the end of the year, and I noticed a box wedged between two rows of cereal, pushed toward the back of the shelf. I pulled it out, and it was this cereal! It was the only box they had, and I bought it up straight away.

I love the concept of this cereal. Firstly, I like novelty cereals that add a twist to an existing (and proven) product. Too many pop culture tie-ins appear to be reinventing the wheel, only to end up exploiting name recognition to sell an inferior product (I could link to at least a handful of cereals I've already reviewed for this blog). This is just Frosted Flakes, but with a mix of "light side original & dark side chocolate". I love the idea of pitting the light side and the dark side against each other (although it's reminiscent of the marketing from the last trilogy), represented by the combination of regular and chocolate flakes.

Would it betray an allegiance to the Sith if I said that, being half chocolate, this cereal is at least 50% better than regular Frosted Flakes? (Actually, I'd probably be a rogue Jedi skirting the line, with a strong moral compass but an anti-establishment streak). The most surprising thing is that I kind of like it. It's much more pleasant than when I mixed half a bowl of Cocoa Krispies with regular Rice Krispies (which wasn't chocolate enough). I must be warming up to Frosted Flakes. At the very least, they deserve credit for being so adventurous with their product. I doubt I'd buy this cereal again when I could get a box that's all chocolate instead, but I think it deserves more than a one bowl rating.

Rating: 🥣🥣
Leftover Milk: Actually decently chocolatey.

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